Sunday, March 18, 2007

Shed Section

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Bunnings Warehouse - Waurn Ponds
This photo was taken to illustrate the size of the shed. It shows the front of the shed where the main entry is including trade and timber sub-section.


Bunnings warehouse - Waurn Ponds
This is a close up of the peak in the roof where the rafters meet and are supported by a purlin. There is also a hanging beam used to help support and spread the load of the roof.


Bunnings Warehouse - Waurn Ponds
This photo illustrates, again, the peak of the roof but at a different section. The purlin is obviously supporting the peak where the rafters meet. This area is situated at the end of the shed.


Bunnings Warehouse - Waurn Ponds
Illustrated here is the edge of the shed where the walls meet the roof. The purlin supports the main rafter which the spans to the central support purlin. Cross-bracing is also evident in this photo which is a vital element to the shed's rigidity.