Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Major Project Poster

This is the poster for the major assignment. It is in colour A1 form and contains images of details, floor plans, perspectives and photos of the construction of the model.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Metal Manufacturers

This machine is used for the fabrication of metal withinn the manufacturer's plant.

This is a welded 'I' beam being constructed.

This photo shows a steel portal frame in construction.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tilt-up construction site


This is a connection between two tilt-up concrete slabs in a corner. A simple angle is used to join the two slabs.

Here the worker is working from a cherry picker which is highly manuverable and thus access to all areas on the inside of building are made accessible. Also, the worker is required to wear a safety harness by workcover according to OH+S regulations.

Tilt-up slabs required bracing so that other structural members can be put in place to hold the building together. This is because a tilt up slab does not support itself very well without other forms of reinforcement.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Completed construction site

Here a scissor-lift is used to construct the facade of the building. The scissor-lift allows workers to be elevated and work with a lot more tools a lot more safely. It is also a requirement of OH+S standards.

This picture shows a worker completing the finishes on the window sills. This detailing is very important for the maintenance of the building in years to come.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Residential concrete slab

This is a photo of the steel re-inforcement that will be placed into the concrete slab.

This photo displays where the boxing has just been taken away from the semi-set concrete slab.