Ludwig Mies van der Rohe along with other prominant architects of his era, were largely regarded as the pioneers of modern architecture. During his lifetime (1886-1969) he sought to establish a new architectual style that represented modern architecture as did the Classical and Gothic styles in their respectuve eras. Mies van der Rohe extensively used steel framework and glass with use of the post and lintel style construction. Mies van der Rohe referred to his buildings as "skin abnd bones" arhcitecture. The self-educated Mies painstakingly studied the great philosophers and thinkers of the past and of the day. He adopted an ambitious lifelong mission to form a solid intellectual foundation for a new architectural language that could be used to represent the new era of technological invention and production.
hey, we just had a lecture on mies which you will have the joy of next year so thought some of this info might help with your project:
Along with Wright and Le Corbusier, Mies designed his buildings to integrate with the surrounding environment. This was acheived through the farnsworth house by placing the building at odds with the site yet by using planes of glass for walls allows the outside to come in. He also uses the vertical structures to hold the floor above the ground to give the illusion that the building is floating. In terms of materials - he juxtapositioned the man made with the natural, for example chrome plated steel next to polished marble. In terms of construction i think there was a picture of how he used a steel universal beam inside a concrete column for extra strength. "God is in the details" - hope this is helpful. okay i'll stop blabbing on now. over and out. shhhhhh
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